confrontation, June 7, 2018, 16:06:26 – 16:07:38

let’s all pull ourselves out of this dozy state.
you are a simple angel.
remember to tap the book (remote control) to change verse!
oh, this is the year people are discussing round the dinner table again, 2018?
let’s all pull ourselves out of this dozy state.
to infect sentences allergic to one another.
oh, your own unique character has to stop falling into the same line.oh, your own unique character has to stop falling into the same line.

oblivion, June 7, 2018, 16:00:01 – 16:03:41

the spider’s web glistens like the down on a branch in the sun.
the ghosts are breathing our air.
when the rain drowns out conversation.
with neck and no more, crop and never again.
the boundaries are not clear.
rilke thought dragons were princesses, not the other way round
the dental fence must be maintained.
one can be moved to tears by one’s own thoughts.

confrontation, June 7, 2018, 15:30:21 – 15:33:14

could your dad not get the message and go?
time passed, time passes, he didn’t come back.
oh, the worst borders on the best.
when wounds are scars are questions asked?
beautiful beetles on pins.
oh, do not feed the birds in flight.
people change size just before they fall asleep.
walk home backwards.
one is a refugee for two years.